Mar 07, 2023 Holi Arts & Crafts Activity

Mitesh (@desimeetsdesign) is a master of his craft when it comes to all things Indian-inspired DIY. This Holi arts & crafts activity, featuring our illustration of Baby Krishna and Radha, is certainly no exception.




  1. This printout of Baby Krishna and Radha
  2. Crayons (note: color pencil or markers are not recommended for this activity)
  3. Watercolor paper
  4. Scissors
  5. Spray bottle
  6. Liquid watercolor
  7. Water
  8. Tissue paper or a cotton ball


  1. Print out this illustration of Baby Krishna and Radha and color it in
  2. Cut out the illustration and glue it to a piece of watercolor paper
  3. Mix water and liquid watercolor in a spray bottle and shake well
  4. Spray this across the watercolor paper. Empty out the bottle and refill with a different color if you'd like to create a multi-color look, similar to the video (unless if you have multiple spray bottles)
  5. Glue the cutout onto the watercolor paper and marvel as the scene of Holi, taken directly from the pages of our book, The Curious Case of Krishna
  6. Note: the wax crayons will prevent the color from staining them too much so that they can still be visible. 

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